When I think of moments during the Michael Jackson memorial that truly stood out, Paris Jackson took the cake.
I was personally really proud of this little girl for showing to the world that her daddy really was a great father. I always hated reading blogs where people bashed Michael as a dad. Ok, so he dangled Blanket out a window for all of .02 seconds while he had his arm tightly around him. Name me one parent who hasn't tossed their kid up in the air and caught them or done any number of things that could have easily ended in disaster. The fact that his children frequently wore masks in public with him (as unconventional as it was) suggested to me what a great father he must have been as most of the public and media couldn't identify those children by sight. I'm sure they didn't wear masks at home or out in public with their nanny or anyone else besides Michael. Gloria Allred and a number of other people called for someone to take those children away from Michael Jackson. Paris proved to everyone in one swift speech that all the nay-sayers had misjudged his abilities, a frequent theme in Jackson's life. He obviously raised three loving beautiful children and while I knew it all along, I'm glad to see a few others picked up on it as well.
Little Paris and her speech reminded many of us of our own experiences that certainly connected us to a man and not an image. I lost my father this year and I could absolutely relate to the pain Paris felt. I'm frankly tired of the judgments and questions about who fathered them and alternate parenting styles. I don't think it's anyone's business, they are fabulous kids grieving right now who deserve privacy and respect who were clearly raised with a tremendous amount of love and tenderness. Where they go from here remains to be seen, I was just watching an interview with Michael's former dermatologist Dr. Klein (who is NOT the biological father) who was voicing his concerns about the children staying with the Jacksons because they might turn them into 'The Jackson 3'. That's completely preposterous, none of the Jacksons ever turned their 30+ nieces and nephews into stars, nor did Michael. They all placed an emphasis on their family having childhoods and all went to great lengths to give them as normal lives as possible. A few have ventured into the business as adults, which the family supported given they were grown enough to make those decisions. Dr. Klein and Debbie Rowe not only have a working relationship but it's pretty clear he is her most outspoken defender (and one of the few) as to wanting her parental rights restored. There was footage of Debbie Rowe watching the ceremony in public and crying at the sight of Paris's speech. I couldn't help but think the moment was completely staged, why would she chose to watch it in full view of the public and paparazzi? You'd think that moment would be reserved for her to mourn in private.
I definitely feel an agenda brewing and I'm hoping it won't turn into an ugly battle in public. As posted previously on PopSpiracy, Debbie has made some pretty incriminating public statements regarding her views on motherhood that I believe would certainly be harmful to her chances at sole custody. I'm hoping that Debbie and the Jackson family can come to an agreement where they can all take part in the children's lives, and I believe the kids would certainly benefit from having access to as much of their family as possible, though the Jacksons have played a far larger role in raising her and were certainly there for her to hold Paris during her momentous speech, while Debbie was at some bar in Palm Springs posing for cameras.
where is rebbie jackson?The eldest sister of jackson's family?did she came?
Yes, all three Jackson sisters were there. LaToya and Rebbie were wearing hats. They spoke (with Janet) briefly at the Nokia Theater after the Staples Center Memorial service.
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